
PASSED – 2019

Once again, my heart is filled with sadness. Jasper has left us. Such a gentle soul… We will miss seeing him roll in the grass with such joy; we will miss his gentle nudging to get more rubs. But as much as we feel the loss, his very best buddy, Max, who keeps looking for Jasper in all the places that they used to spend time together, is going to need time to adjust to his absence.

Jasper was with us for almost a year and brought absolute joy to all who knew him. There was an aura of gentle peace that surrounded him and enveloped all who spent time with him.
I found a poem that gives me some degree of comfort at this difficult time. I can close my eyes and picture Jasper in his new forever home where he will never have another thing to worry about.

I Made It Home

I just wanted to let you all know that
I made it home. The journey wasn’t an easy one,
But it didn’t take too

Everything is so pretty here, so
White, so fresh and new. I wish that
You all could close your eyes and that
You could see it too.

Please try not to be sad for me. Try
To understand God is taking care of
Me… I’m in the shelter of His

Here there is no sadness, no sorrow,
And no pain. Here there is no crying
And I’ll never hurt again.

Here it is so peaceful when all the
Angels sing. I really have to go for
Now… I’ve just got to try my wings.

Author Unknown

Good-bye Jasper – you were loved – thank you for spending time with us – we will all miss you….