I acknowledge that I have completely read this questionnaire and comprehend it fully. Further, I understand that submission of an application does not guarantee my acceptance as a foster for DLS.
I understand that DLS will be responsible for all veterinary care, medications and food for this animal while in my care and those expenses will be paid directly to the provider not to me.
I agree to contact DLS to advise them of any significant changes in general or specific health issues, behavioral issues or feeding issues exhibited by the foster dog.
I understand that a representative of DLS may visit my home periodically with advance notice to check on the well-being of the foster dog.
I understand that my picture, including video or live broadcast may be taken while I am a foster for DLS, and further, give my permission for DLS to use my image and my name for public relations and educational purposes in materials such as, but not limited to, newsletters, brochures, newspaper articles, educational videotapes and the DLS website and Facebook page;
I have read and understand the questions and statements above. I certify that the information contained in this application is true and correct. I understand that although DLS takes reasonable care to screen animals for foster care placement, it makes no guarantees relating to the animal’s health, behavior, or actions. I understand that I receive foster care animals at my own risk and can decline to accept any animal for which DLS has asked me to provide care. I acknowledge that DLS is not responsible for any property damage or personal injury suffered by me, members of my household, including my own animals, or any third parties during a foster placement, and I assume liability to provide adequate controls to prevent such damage or injury. I acknowledge that this foster remains the property of DLS.
I will hold DLS harmless from damage to property, or harm to person or other animals caused by this foster animal.