
PASSED – 2018

This is the second time in a month that I have had to say good-bye to one of our beloved Dog Lodge dogs.  When Riley came to us in the spring of this year, he was very sick.  Our wonderful veterinarians were able to get most of his problems under control but the one thing they couldn’t fix was his enlarged heart that was having to work way too hard.  He was taking a laundry list of meds to help him cope and, in fact, was stable throughout the summer and into fall.  But time was not on Riley’s side.  His heart was just too fragile.  

As is always the case, we wish we could have had Riley with us for much, much longer.  We will miss having him on our laps asking for more hugs and rubs.  We will miss his quiet tolerance during all of the many medical examinations.  We will miss how he loved his baths and especially sleeping in the dryer unit with lovely warm air gently blowing over him.  

I found a prayer that I would like to share in Riley’s name.  I don’t know who the author is, but the thought is written far more eloquently than I could have done.

Heavenly Father, Creator of all things,
Thank you for having entrusted us with such a loyal friend.
Thank you for letting this beautiful animal teach us unselfish love.
Thank you for the memories we can recall to brighten our days for the rest of our lives.
Finally, in gratitude, we return our cherished companion to you.

Author Unknown

Goodbye Riley… You will be missed…