PASSED – 2022
Missy and her full sister Jade came to us at the end of 2019. They were already 13 years old when they arrived at Dog Lodge but they were in pretty good health. Both of them loved to play and could get pretty rambunctious.
But in the summer of 2021, Missy had to deal with a medical condition called vestibular disease. This is a disease that affects the vestibular system which is responsible for balance. Luckily, her symptoms were only moderate and within a couple of weeks, most of them had resolved. But Missy was just never the same after that. It was as if her whole personality had changed. She could no longer stay with her sister because Jade who sensed Missy’s weakness, began to pick on her. So, we accommodated the separation.
For the most part, Missy was still enjoying her walks and lying in the sun in the yard. She still ate well and liked being in the company of some of the other very quiet dogs. But, as the months passed, Missy began to enjoy all of those things less and less. She began to have difficulty walking, and then had trouble getting up. She became less interested in finishing her food and then she just wasn’t interested in her food at all.
At the end, Missy told us that she was ready to say goodbye. She was 16 years old and unlike some, she had been well-loved in her life. Her end was peaceful in my arms.
Missy was a special girl, and yes, we loved her dearly to the end…
I’ve grown old, my health is bad,
It is hard to walk and stand.
It’s time to go – you understand,
my life is no longer grand.
Please think of me with loving
Thoughts, and wipe away your
Tears, for God in all His wisdom
Has counted out my years.
Be assured you’ve done the right
Thing, you’ve ended all my pain.
Your heart will hurt for just a
While, then learn to love again.
Goodbye my wonderful family,
Goodbye my very best friend.
I thank you for this time we had,
You loved me to the end.
Author Unknown